Sophia Niimi (新見 ソフィア)

Character Background
Sophia is the daughter of a Japanese software developer for games and an American cosplayer, and is an only child. Her nickname is ソフィ or Sophie. She is very curious and is too innocent for her own good.
She is 5 years younger than AJ.
Sophia’s hair is a raisin black (base #262626) and her skin has a deep peach color (base #f8c9a2). The color of her irises is black coffee (base #36322d).
AJ has shoulder-length hair that she keeps tied in a twintail, which curves to her front. Her bangs are very long, is split in the middle, and goes over both her ears.
She also has those blush stickers.
She usually has the height of 103.4 cm.
Meta Background
Sophia is my second established original character. Her design was based on Behoimi, a character from the anime Pani Poni Dash.
She was created because I wanted a character that has absolutely flat chests.
She is also not real.